We hope you can use our website as a tool to help you learn the subject matter so that you can find the answers. While we understand that you may need assistance with your homework, we cannot provide the answers to your problems or individual assistance. How do I get individual help with my homework assignment? The icon looks like a small speech bubble. You can email a comment or question directly to /contact, or you can click the "Comments and Questions" icon in the Media Window control bar. How do I make a comment or ask a question? There is no charge for individual users at HippoCampus.
We are not a school, so you cannot enroll in a course, but individuals are welcome to use the materials for free as study aids. How do I enroll in a course at HippoCampus? You cannot get credit for it since we are not a school. We are a non-profit organization and provide the content at our websites for self-improvement only as part of our mission. How are homeschoolers using HippoCampus for AP? What about DANTE and CLEP?Ĭan schools order and administer AP Exams without completing the AP Course Audit?Īre the courses at HippoCampus AP approved? General Can I take a course at HippoCampus for credit? Why aren't the lab sections in Environmental Science appearing? HippoCampus and Advanced Placement (AP)* The audio in some videos within the Religion course is problematic. Where are the answers to the review questions? Why are there answer keys available to the students for the end-of-chapter tests? There is an error in the multimedia presentation. Where does the content from your site come from?

Isn't this a violation of 504/508 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act? Content What if my page scroll bars or "submit" button are not showing? Is there a script, app, or something that can be used to track student use of HippoCampus? TechnicalĬan I change the size of the video window? How can I use HippoCampus in my home school?Ĭan I use the resources you have available for my homeschoolers? How can I use HippoCampus in my classroom?

How do I get individual help with my homework assignment? Teaching Can I take a course at HippoCampus for credit?